Monday, March 21, 2011

Project Proposal

I have been ruminating on some of the Prof's words... to make the art we'd make, had we only a day left to draw. To examine our obsessions.

I have decided it won't work for this project. My head is currently an unproductive and dismal place- not one I'd recommend getting inside.

So, for project three, I will be taking on the alter ego of Mark Twain, man, myth, cultural construct. His obsessions include the idea of identical peoples, role-switching, nostalgia, and criticism. He is a good alter ego because he is a badass, and because he is his own alter ego anyway-- born Samuel Langhorne Clemens. My Mark Twain will be as much a fiction as Mark Twain's Mark Twain. He fictionalized himself, he has been Disneyfied, he has been censored, yet he is a part of American consciousness.

So how to make a body of work from this. I will start by making some collages exploring the ideas of twinness, role-switching, Americana, Folk Heroes, and the 1800s. I will craft some narratives using these and other themes to create a Mark Twain for myself, for 2011. The final product will be a series of drawings that function as postcards from the Universe MTwain2011 inhabits.

Well that doesn't make any sense at all.

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